Social Night Friday 16th of November.


Just a short note to say tickets for our social night are now printed & available via Bill Nelson – if you want to purchase tickets pleae ring Bill on 01698 883675.

There is good demand for tickets & we only have a limited amount of tickets left so would suggest you book early to avoid disapointment – tickets are only £7.00 each & the idea is to have a good social evening, celebrate the success & progess of the club over the past year.

We will have a raffle etc. as well to try to raise some additional club funds & we would welcome donations for the raffle – thanks already to George Lockhart who has donated some of beautiful hand made floats check out the “Flee & the Float” .

Thanks to Bill for organising the evening & look forward to meeting up with you all on the evening.

Thanks to all our members for there continued support this season.

Best regards


Billy UAAA resident chef hard at work in the "Bay View Bistro"

L to R Billy - Bill Nelson & JC Tait - being treated to a fried breakfast in the Boat House.


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