

New UAAA Signs

The Members and Committee would like to say thanks to both Lucy & Ben Dickson ages 11 & 8 for taking the time out from there busy life’s to Paint new signs for the Boat House & River – the great thing about our friendly wee club is we have some fantastic volunteers & supporters of all ages for 8 to 80 plus!!!

New Store

The UAAA are keen to say a big thank you to Jim and Wullie. Wullie for supplying sterling board and cladding. Jim for timber & ironmongery – for demolishing the old shed & for building the new store. This is the first stage of the refurbishment at the ponds. More good news to follow on this subject soon.

Social Convenor

The club has developed and grown in size over the past few years-  as a result the UAAA is keen to organise some events to help build on the camaraderie that already exists – we are delighted to announce that Bill Nelson has offered his services to help out – thanks Bill.

Fishing News

Have had lots of good reports back for our anglers on the River including David Learmonth who had a cracking Brownie of about 2lbs which was returned – we don’t get many pictures of our River caught fish – please feel free to email them in or post them on our Facebook page. It’s great to hear of all your fishing exploits on the message board – thanks to those of you that post. Then of course there was Graeme’s “Biggie” so there seems to be lots of good news around about the fishing on our waters. Thanks also to Kenny “The Unfamous Fly” for a great post on fishing on the Upper Avon & an excellent inspiring piece of video which as Des said if that doesn’t want to make you go fishing what will?

Day Tickets for the Reservoir

Please note that day tickets for the Reservoir are only available in advance from the Committee – you cannot expect to turn up at the reservoir & expect to be sold a permit. Please see permit info page on the website. UAAA Permit Info.

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