Just a few notes about life around the UAAA this week –
Thanks to Tsuyoshi Amano our second Facebook friend from Japan – if you are ever in this area please let us know & we would be delighted to organise some fishing for you.
The Club continues to go from strength to strength – our waiting list for membership of the reservoir is now established and we have 2 names on the list. If you are a member of Dungavel please hold on to your ticket from this year as this will help when renewing your membership. If you are not currently a member & you want to join next year it might be a good idea to get your name on the list soon – as it will be first come first served. All you need to do to join the waiting list is – email your full contact details I.e. Name / address / postcode & phone number to uppperavonangling [at] gmail [dot] com
If you are a member we will be publishing details of how to renew soon.
The river has been fishing well despite the low water – one of our ever growing number of junior members who is only 6 years old caught a beautiful one and a half pound brownie this week – he was fishing with his dad who caught four cracking trout the biggest of which was 10″ – well done Junior.
Our river members are always a bit more coy about reporting there catches – however I did manage to extract some great info from one our mature members who has fished this the Upper Avon regularly for many years who tells me that the “Blae & Black” has been his hot fly of late and he has had many one pound plus Trout in the past few weeks – is anybody else prepared to let us know what there most successful flies are on the river & reservoir – you can post on the message board / Facebook or send us an email & we will put you into a raffle for a free day ticket for the reservoir. On that note my favourite for the Reservoir Fly is a size 14 “Kate McLaren”.
We have recently stocked some of the Burns with fry of approximately 60mm long.
We have added some fantastic new photos of Glengavel on our Glengavel Photos page check them out they are stunning http://www.upperavonangling.co.uk/glengavel-photos
Just found this excellent website that lets you navigate around the UK – finds the spot you want and shows you photos of the place – GEOlocation.ws at Glengavel.
Had a session on the Reservoir this afternoon with Roddy – it was a great day for fishing it was warm, overcast and we had a steady breeze. We were only on the water from 12.00 to about 15.30 – we both connected with Trout on our first few casts – I was lucky as my trout remained stuck and was a cracking well mended stockie with very few big black spots about 1.5lb.

The Trout were hitting our flies regularly but we struggled to get them to stick Roddy caught a real belting wildie from the bank at the top end – we both had at least 6 each – including this cracker of a wild fish as we drifted down the reservoir from the tap end.

All in all we had a great few hours sport with plenty top of the water action with lot’s of pulls – missed takes & trout chasing our flies – this is what Glengavel is all about.
www.upperavonangling.co.uk Fishing In Scotland upperavonangling [at] gmail [dot] com