Just a wee post to publish the official results from the members competition from the weekend.
32 Anglers took part.
16 fish weighed in 8 returned
Grant Mitchell won heaviest bag & Club Championship at 3lb wining bottle of vodka, George Hamilton cup, small trophy and TLF voucher.
Tommy won heaviest fish at 2lb 2oz wining bottle of whisky , JC Tait Trophy, small trophy and TLF voucher.
Amy Gavin Junior Champion got TLF voucher & a small trophy.
Grant, Tommy and Wullie were the 3 with the heaviest bags to go into the SANA competition.
Wullie has asked to give his place to Roddy for the SANA competition.
Thanks to JC Tait who donated a bottle of whisky.
Thanks to George Hamilton who donated a bottle of vodka.
This years Club Champion – Grant Mitchell with the Heaviest Bag

Grant Mitchell Club Champion 2013
Tommy Morrison with the biggest fish of the day – caught under pressure in front of the boat house with a gallery chanting “Come on Tommy” under pressure fishing – pleased to say that the fish was caught weighed & returned – catch & release competition fishing – Crawford McGowan was broken in front of the same Gallery by a very big fish.

Tommy showing off his “Let’s Tackle Cancer” Fleece
Today raised a few pounds for “Let’s Tackle Cancer” all members competing made a donation of £5.00 – well done- Tommy’s Heaviest Fish means he won the “Let’s Tackle Cancer” Fleece
Well done and thanks to Graeme Hamilton who once again did a great job of organising the Competition – Graeme is going to stand down from his role at the club for the next few months due to work commitments the UAAA and Members thank Graeme for all his efforts right from the inception of the UAAA – Graeme was thanked by our Chairman Wullie Weir and founder members JC Tait.

Graeme, JC Tait & Wullie
Tommys Fish caught returned in front of the gallery today – a lovely looking Brownie

Tommy’s Lovely 2lb 4oz Brownie Caught & Released