Last fling at the Brownies (Today is the last day of the Season).


Please note today is the last day of the season on the Upper Avon & Glengavel.

Below is a great report & pictures from Davy Learmonth our River Manager.

“Had an hour or two spare on Monday afternoon so I thought I’d have one last go at the brownies.

When I got to the river it was the worst possible conditions, sunny, cold, low water and absolutely nothing moving. To add to the difficulty for some unknown reason I thought I’d leave the waders in the car so I’d have to cast a yard or two more – square into the wicked upstream wind that was howling up the valley! Not a chance with the dries, so on with a couple of nymphs.

Anyway, after a lot of wind knots, fankles and cursing I eventually came to a small run that looked promising and immediately got a wee pull, which I missed. I fished on down the run, then right at the bottom I caught a lovely wee fish in perfect condition.

Not much after that but eventually the wind dropped and sunset came on and signaled the end to another great trout season :d

Bring on the grayling!”

Davy Learmonth.

Pristine Upper Avon Brownie caught by Davy Learmonth

Pristine Upper Avon Brownie caught by Davy Learmonth

Evening on the Upper Avon by Davy Learmonth

Evening on the Upper Avon by Davy Learmonth


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