A Great Day Out At Glengavel 080613

Didn’t get on the water till Ten this morning much later than others Wullie & Andrew had been out since 8.00.

Sunrise Over Glengavel by Andrew Gordon 080613

Sunrise Over Glengavel by Andrew Gordon 080613

Andrew headed off to Strathaven Gala & Wullie very kindly took me out on the boat with his new battery & now fully functioning electric outboard 😀

On the Boat with Wullie

On the Boat with Wullie

It was a beautiful bright morning with hardly a cloud in the sky – saved on the fishing front only as there was a lovely steady breeze creating a “just right” ripple 😀

A Light Ripple @ Glengavel :-D

A Light Ripple @ Glengavel 😀

We had a good drift for about an hour and half & i managed 3 wee wildies on the Hares Ear 😀

Wullie then dropped me on the west bank about 11.30 and he headed off to do something at the ponds – i worked hard for a couple of hours and caught another 3 or 4 indigenous Brownies with plenty of misses & pulls – great fun.

A lovely wee Glengavel Brownie

A lovely wee Glengavel Brownie

Then had a march back to the hut & was grateful for one of Billys coffees – thanks again Billy 😀

Got back to the fishing and there was broken clouds providing a bit of respite from the strong sunlight directly above. Just couldn’t get a touch though. Decided to try an old tactic that had worked for me on bright days before & tied a size 10 Cinnamon & Gold on the point & quite by accident forgot i had a Bibio on the dropper – the tactic was to put a long line out then make sure you were in touch with your fly and just let it dangle – my imagination had always seen the C&G as a wee injured Trout fry dropping down near to the bottom & this often resulted in the C&G being taken by bigger Brownies. Then as if on cue my fly line moved off & i was into a good quality Brownie leaping & running and giving me a great scrap. Bill came over and took a couple of photos for me before it was allowed to swim off – Bill reckoned 3 pounds to my surprise it had the Bibio in the scissors.

A decent Brownie returned caught on the "Bibio"

A decent Brownie returned caught on the “Bibio”

Had many more one poundish fish to this tactic on the Bibio – one 3 quarter pound trout came to the net having taken the C&G – i shook it off the hook & the C&G fell in the water beside it & it quite confidently took it again & swam off – amazing!!

Another lovely wee bright Brownie

Another lovely wee bright Brownie

Had a few more (all hooked on the Bibio) and hooked an almighty lump which i had on for a good couple of minutes which just shook it’s head and refused to move & then the hook came back at me.

Then Alby the inept angler struck again – i hooked another lump which tore off for the horizon leaping and pulling to discover i had developed a knot in my fly line tangled round my feet & it ran me right down the knot – heart stopping stuff – when i got it into the net Billy came over to take a photo i removed the fly and was about to lift the trophy up for a photo when it leapt out of the net – no photo but Billy reckoned about “4 pun” whatever it was a beautiful bright golden specimen.

Fished on to 4.30 with a few more pulls and pounders – a red letter day on the water – a dream day i’m a happy angler – cheers

A Flat Calm from Thursday 060613 - social time :-D

A Flat Calm from Thursday 060613 – social time 😀

A beautiful Glengavel sunset from Thursday 060613

A beautiful Glengavel sunset from Thursday 060613

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